CES Mourns the Unexpected Death of Michael Burawoy

The Center for Engaged Scholarship mourns the unexpected death of Michael Burawoy, Berkeley sociologist who mentored many generations of activist scholars.  He was killed on February 3rd by a hit and run driver in Oakland.   Michael had retired from teaching the...

Mellon Foundation Awards Grant to CES

We are thrilled to announce that CES was just awarded a 3-year grant from the Mellon Foundation for $558,000 to continue pursuing our vision of building a new generation of engaged scholars. Such a substantial amount will allow us to increase the number of fellowships...

2023-2024 Fellow Updates

We are tremendously proud of the fellows who recently completed their CES fellowship. All have exciting plans for next year and beyond. Rishi Awatramani will be starting a post-doctoral position at the Equity Research Institute at USC, which is Manuel Pastor’s...

Former Fellows: Awards and Updates

Sending heartfelt congratulations to three of our former fellows: Nora Kassner and Tiana Wilson have received dissertation awards from the Organization of American Historians. Nora Kassner (CES fellow 2022-23) received the 2024 John D’Emilio LGBTQ History Dissertation...

Meet the 2024-2025 Fellows

We are delighted to announce the winners of the CES 2024-2025 dissertation fellowship. This is our ninth cohort of fellows which brings our total number of current and past fellows to 55. We chose seven fellows from a pool of 149 applications that included many very...

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