Current Projects

This page is updated on a regular basis to spotlight the current projects of our CES fellows.

Jasmine Benjamin (2019-2020)

Jasmine Benjamin (2019-2020)

After completing her Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Chicago, Jasmine became a Program Associate with the Hyams Foundation in...

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Sadé Lindsay (2020-2021)

Sadé Lindsay (2020-2021)

Sadé Lindsay is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology at the Ohio State University. Her mixed methods dissertation project, The Prison Credential...

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Silas Grant (2019-2020)

Silas Grant (2019-2020)

Silas Grant completed a PhD in Anthropology at the University of Chicago in 2021. Silas’s dissertation and current book project, Patchwork: Land,...

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Daanika Gordon (2017-2018)

Daanika Gordon (2017-2018)

Daanika Gordon completed her dissertation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Sociology at...

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C.N.E. Corbin (2019-2020)

C.N.E. Corbin (2019-2020)

Dr. C.N.E. Corbin studies the relationships between society and nature within the built environment by investigating the concept of the green city...

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Joss Greene  (2019-2020)

Joss Greene (2019-2020)

Joss Greene is completing his dissertation in Sociology at Columbia University.  It is entitled, "Gender Bound: Prisons and the Emergence of Modern...

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Madeleine Pape (2018-2019)

Madeleine Pape (2018-2019)

Madeleine Pape is a 2018-2019 CES Fellow who completed her PhD in Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in August, 2019. Her...

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Idit Fast (2018-2019)

Idit Fast (2018-2019)

Idit Fast completed her dissertation at Rutgers University in 2019. She is currently an assistant professor at the department of education at Ben...

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Chris Herring (2018-2019)

Chris Herring (2018-2019)

Chris Herring is a 2018-2019 CES fellow who is a doctoral candidate of Sociology at the University of California Berkeley, where he's affiliated...

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Ayca Zayim (2016-2017)

Ayca Zayim (2016-2017)

Ayca Zayim completed her dissertation at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018. It was entitled, “How Financial Power Really Works: Central Banks...

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Michael Aguirre (2017-2018)

Michael Aguirre (2017-2018)

Michael D. Aguirre is a postdoctoral fellow with the Inequality in America Initiative at Harvard University. In Fall 2021, he will be an assistant...

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Deisy Del Real (2018-2019)

Deisy Del Real (2018-2019)

Deisy Del Real completed her dissertation at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2019. She is a postdoctoral fellow and forthcoming...

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Brian Callaci (2017-2018)

Brian Callaci (2017-2018)

Brian Callaci completed his dissertation at University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2019. It was entitled, “The Historical and Legal Creation of a...

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