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What is the Center for Engaged Scholarship?

Our Mission

The Center for Engaged Scholarship is an organization, created by and for social scientists, who want the United States to be a more democratic, more egalitarian, and more environmentally sustainable society.

Our Approach

We use our skills as researchers and teachers to challenge the wrong ideas of the right-wing and to generate new ideas that can contribute to progressive change. Our first initiative is a dissertation fellowship for social science PhD students in the U.S. whose work can contribute to the change we seek.

Our Vision

As the Center grows, it aspires to build a new generation of progressive scholars, create stronger networks across institutions and disciplines, support reform movements within particular disciplines, and articulate a strong, progressive vision for the future of higher education. We hope to contribute to progressive social change by mobilizing the ideas and energies of engaged scholars.

Minneapolis rally to support the people of Baltimore after the death of Freddie Gray.
Image via Fibonacci Blue

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