Applicant Statistics


Our First Three Years


In our first 3 years, we received 1,472 applications. 63.6% of the applicants identified as female, 30.3% as male, 2.8% as gender queer/gender non-conforming and approximately 3.3% identified as transgender male/transgender female/different identity.

Of the 421 applicants who responded to the racial and ethnic identification question on the application, 59% identified themselves as Caucasian/White, 14.5% identified themselves as Latin American/Latino/Latina. African Americans accounted for 5.2% and 11.2% of the applicants were from the combined category of Asians and South Asians. The remainder were divided among more specific ethnic identities.

In terms of discipline, Sociology provided just over a third of our applications followed by Political Science at 10.5 %, Anthropology at 10.4% and History at 8.8%. The remainder came from Psychology, Education, Women’s Studies, Social Work, Ethnic Studies and other programs.

Applicants were enrolled in universities across 37 states with the largest numbers coming from California, New York and Illinois.

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